
In November 2022, IUHW invited 3 Asian doctors to Japan and gave medical research training over a month. The following movies are excerpts from the training for a self-learning purpose.

Medical Statistics

From a real classroom interactive between lecturer and students, i.e. Asian doctors.

Introduction ~ Statistics in Clinical Research 1 (1:53:00)

Slides 1. Clinical Reserch Slides 2-1. Statstics ⑴

Copyright©IUHW, All right reserved

Statistics in Clinical Research 2 ~
Data Management in Clinical Research ~ Wrap-Up (slides only) (2:26:00)

Overview of Clinical Trial

1. Abbreviations in Clinical Trial (14:10)

2. Pharmacokinetics of drugs (08:01)

3. Flow of drug development -Position and role of ARO- (27:35)

4. Sponsors expect ARO-CRA ideal image (12:49)

5. The relationship between medical institutions and CRA (13:26)

6. Investigational new drug delivery (13:41)

7. 【Procedures during clinical trials 】
Amendments to Clinical Trial Documents (08:25)

8. Safety Information Monitoring (22:53)

9. Case monitoring guidance (50:11)

10. Deviation (34:31)
